Learning styles


Homeschooling offers a flexible and personalized approach to education, allowing parents to cater to their child’s individual needs. One key aspect of effective homeschooling is understanding and accommodating your child’s learning style. Learning styles are the preferred ways in which individuals acquire and process information. By identifying your child’s learning style, you can tailor your homeschooling approach to maximize their learning potential.

The 7 Learning Styles

Learning styles encompass a wide range of preferences, and individuals often exhibit a combination of these styles.
Here are the seven primary learning styles:


Visual (Spatial) learners prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding to grasp concepts. They benefit from seeing information presented in a clear and organized manner.


Aural (Auditory-Musical) learners thrive through sound and music. They often prefer lectures, discussions, and audio resources as their primary sources of learning.


Verbal (Linguistic) learners prefer using words, both in speech and writing, to absorb and communicate ideas effectively. They excel in written assignments, reading, and discussions.


Physical (Kinesthetic) learners learn best through hands-on experiences and physical activities. They need to engage their sense of touch and movement to grasp concepts effectively.


Logical (Mathematical) learners prefer using logic, reasoning, and systematic approaches to learning. They excel in problem-solving, mathematics, and analytical thinking.


Social (Interpersonal) learners thrive in group settings and prefer learning with others. They enjoy collaborative projects, discussions, and teamwork.


Solitary (Intrapersonal) learners prefer to work alone and use self-study methods. They often excel in self-paced learning environments, reading independently, and reflective activities.

Identifying Your Child's Learning Style

Understanding your child’s learning style can significantly enhance your homeschooling approach.
Here’s how you can identify their preferred learning style:

Observe Their Preferences

Pay attention to the activities and resources that capture your child's interest. Do they gravitate towards visual aids, music, reading, hands-on experiments, logical puzzles, social interactions, or solitary study?

Ask Their Feedback

Engage your child in conversations about how they like to learn. Ask questions like, "Do you find it easier to learn when you see pictures, hear explanations, work with others, or study alone?"

Assess Their Performance

Notice how your child performs best in different subjects or activities. Do they excel in areas that align with a specific learning style?

Tailoring Homeschooling to Learning Styles

Once you’ve identified your child’s learning style, you can adapt your homeschooling strategies accordingly:

  • Visual Learners: Provide visual aids, use colorful materials, and incorporate diagrams, charts, and visual organizers.

  • Aural Learners: Utilize podcasts, audiobooks, music, and discussions to engage their auditory senses.

  • Verbal Learners: Encourage reading, writing assignments, storytelling, and verbal explanations.

  • Physical Learners: Incorporate hands-on experiments, projects, and activities that involve movement and touch.

  • Logical Learners: Present information in a structured, logical manner, and provide opportunities for problem-solving and critical thinking.

  • Social Learners: Foster group activities, cooperative learning, and collaborative projects.

  • Solitary Learners: Create a quiet, independent study environment and provide self-paced resources and materials.

Benefits of Adapting to Learning Styles

Enhanced Engagement

Tailoring your teaching methods to your child’s learning style increases their engagement and interest in the material.

Improved Retention

Customizing your approach enhances your child’s ability to remember and apply what they’ve learned.

Boosted Confidence

Success in learning bolsters a child’s self-esteem and confidence, motivating them to embrace education enthusiastically.

Understanding and accommodating your child’s learning style is a valuable tool in your homeschooling journey. By catering to their unique preferences among these seven learning styles, you can create a more effective and enjoyable learning environment. Remember that many children may have a combination of learning styles, so flexibility in your homeschooling approach is key to their success.

For more homeschooling resources and tips, explore the other pages on our website dedicated to empowering homeschool parents like you.